M-A Canned Food Drive Distribution Day

coming together

food ready for distribution

thumbs up

coming together
"Distribution Day was a success! Students, staff, and their families came to help package and bring food to families. We were able to feed more than 700 families and witness the community coming together. We collected 277, 229 pounds of food, 79% of our goal."
- Jolene Chu, Leadership student
The M-A Chronicle coverage: Another Distribution Day for the Books
- by M-A student, Nava Riahi
The Canned Food Drive started many years ago in Coach Parks’ garage. Now organized by Leadership Students and held on campus, the drive kicks off in November when students start "canning" – collecting non-perishable foods outside local grocery stores. Over the years, the number of cans collected has grown from 5,200 to over 100,000. Donated funds are used to purchase perishable food. In December, more than 400 families receive at least two weeks’ worth of canned food, fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, rice and chicken. The PTA provides assistance and materials to M-A Student Leadership who run the M-A Canned Food Drive.